- This is a 6 week course done via zoom weekly sessions or you can have the lessons sent to you I will check in with you over the period of the course. We will be exploring repressed parts of yourself parts of you that are perceived good or bad. In our shadow sits behaviour that when not explored can and does create havoc in your life. It can be based on belief systems you have grown up with and conditioning of how you have been led to believe is what makes a good or bad person. For example if you believe assertiveness is aggression you will be adverse to people who show assertiveness people in power or people who you think are to out right but this is because you have suppressed your need to own your voice and your views and feels. This will affect you as you will struggle with owning your thoughts and feelings and you will regularly shut down to people you perceive to be to up front.
Or it could be you have low self confidence for many reasons and your not even aware of this so it sits in your shadow and when you are faced with potential of managerial job or a job with more responsibility you make excuses as to why you are not able to do the job, childcare, mental health, physical health, time, experience. All of these may have some validity but they may also be self sabotaging thoughts that are scared to believe you are capable and worthy to do the job.
This is only an example many behaviours and beliefs sit in your shadow. Working to understand some of them will enable you to step outside of your comfort zone, recognise self sabotaging thoughts and feelings and also limiting beliefs that lead to you feeling stuck, down, depressed and possibly lost.
This Spiritual Coaching is available upon application. Application is a chat with me about where you are within your life and if you are in the right space and have the time reflect and do the inner work that will see results. If you are going through any major life changes this course is not the right thing for you at the present time. Contact me on 07492792184
This course is £200 and can be paid in instalments with a deposit of £50 and the remainder to be paid over the period of the course.