This is a 6 week course done via zoom weekly sessions or lessons sent weekly, we will be exploring parts of your inner child and what your inner child may have not received or been affected by so we can start to heal, validate and love that inner child. Your inner child will be impacting you in negative ways at times as it has not been taught or possibly nurtured to grow in to an healthy adult. A healthy adult knows how to feel their feelings, and validate sadness without being consumed by it. A healthy adult can say no when needed and not people please. We will explore and give your inner child what it needs as well as giving you tools to understand how your inner child may be creating self sabotage. For instance if you have been told to be quite a lot as a child and was not allowed to express or explore your thoughts and feelings you will keep yourself small as an adult. You will not say how you feel, you may miss job promotions or not go for them you will keep yourself stuck small as you will be adverse to speaking up you may avoid conflict and or end up in conflict going to far no knowing how to manage it.
This Spiritual Coaching is available upon application. Application is a chat with me about where you are within your life and if you are in the right space and have the time reflect and do the inner work that will see results. If you are going through any major life changes this course is not the right thing for you at the present time. Contact me on 07492792184
There are many ways your inner child can and does affect you.
This course is £200 and can be paid in instalments with a deposit of £50